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Fashion and Beauty

  Pakistan is a country renowned for its rich cultural heritage and diverse fashion styles. From traditional shalwar kameez to contemporary western outfits, the fashion scene in Pakistan is constantly evolving and offers something for everyone. Along with this, the beauty industry in Pakistan is also growing rapidly, with an increasing demand for high-quality beauty products and services. Fashion in Pakistan: Pakistan has a long history of vibrant and intricate textile arts, and the country’s fashion scene reflects this. Pakistani designers are known for their ability to blend traditional styles with modern cuts and patterns, creating unique and beautiful clothing. The traditional shalwar kameez, a long tunic paired with loose pants, is a staple in Pakistan and can be seen in a variety of styles, from simple and elegant to heavily embellished and formal. In recent years, western-style clothing has become more popular in Pakistan, with jeans, skirts, and dresses becoming a common sight

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