Life of young poor......

 Young age of middle class boy.

Life seems to be a fairy tale or a beautiful painting to rich people who are born with a golden spoon in their mouth.

They see life in one way and that's truly right from their side because they have never faced any problem in life .

On the other hand, it's almost opposite to the young one who is poor , who belongs to the family that digs the well daily in order to move the wheel of life. But it's very hard to move that wheel because it's not the wheel of a luxurious car of an elite class boy which is powered by a powerful engine. Life seems to be a mission to that young one . He always faces a new problem and he has to cut short his desires in order to find something. Whether it is related to his career deciding or anything else he needed to think about his future because he knows that there is no cushion behind him. He lives a life that seems normal to others but hand to mouth to him because he wanted to secure himself and his family reputation in society .

Have you ever thought about why most middle class boys lack co-curricular or extra curricular activities??

Well, if you have not thought about it, then the answer is that he always thinks about the ways he should opt in order to be successful one day to make himself and his family proud , he always sacrifices his talent in order to make life easy.

But he always feels sad,shy and loses hope with life because after losing everything it is still a gamble to him whether he will succeed or not. That's a bitter reality.


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